Geometry Scan

Sometimes when studying a reaction mechanism is necessary to optimize all atoms except a pair or more atoms. For example in a decarboxylation, the O-H distance elongates --meanwhile a C-C elongates to--, due to an energy input (experimentaly heat), so all the molecule reconfigures.

For this problem ORCA has enable a Geometry Scan utility. Let's perform a decarboxylation of a simple molecule:

First perform a geometry optimization for the malonic acid molecule.

Second with the relaxed geometry transform from cartesian coordinates to internal ones. This can be done with wxMacMolplt software.

Hint: with vim order the atoms.
In your xyz file put in order the atoms. This will allow wxMacMolplt to put in order the z-matrix.
1 O    -0.001  -0.019  0.316
2 H    0.981   0.014  0.484
3 C    -0.436  -1.253  0.283
4 O    -1.579  -1.546  0.017

Third run a Geometry Scan indicating the atoms that will stretch. In this case, we will start with the O-H relaxed distance 0.99 Å and finish with 1.99 Å. You can use either internal cordinates or gzmat that is the gaussian internal coordinates nomenclature.

Fourth generate the energy vs geometry step plot by using the output file *.relaxscanact.dat and the gnuplot software.
[emma@pople]$ vi geom_scan.inp

#ORCA Geometry Scan DFT calculation
! PAL8
! Opt

  Grid  2
  FinalGrid  4

#Streching the O-H atom from 0.99 to 1.99
#7 steps all with geometry optimizations
%Geom Scan
  B 0 1 = 0.99, 1.99, 7
 # B - Bond between atom 0 and 1

#Type  Charge   Multiplicity
* int    0   1
O   0  0  0  0.000  0.0000   0.0000
H   1  0  0  0.997  0.0000   0.0000
C   1  2  0  1.345  108.51   0.0000
O   3  1  2  1.210  122.69  -175.57
C   3  1  2  1.542  116.74   7.1870
H   5  3  4  1.104  106.23  -81.437
H   5  6  3  1.096  106.23  -115.64
C   5  3  1  1.506  116.88  -23.401
O   8  5  3  1.226  124.77   26.252
O   8  5  3  1.348  112.78  -154.72
H   10 8  9  0.981  106.95   0.0000
[emma@pople]$/path/to/orca geom_scan.inp

Alternative for torque users

[emma@pople]$qsub orca-4.2.0.pbs

Generate the plot with the gnuplot script

[emma@pople]$gnuplot geom_scan.p

[emma@pople]$shotwell geom_scan.png