Using Chemcraft Program.
Chemcraft is a commercial software. The price of the Windows version is currently 160 USD for academic users and 300 USD for others. Freeware version of Chemcraft for Windows with several limitations and nag-screens is also available for download.
It offers visualization of Gamess, Gaussian, NWChem, ADF, Molpro, Dalton, Jaguar, Orca, QChem output files: representation of individual geometries , animation of vibrational modes, graphical representation of gradient, visualization of molecular orbitals in form of isosurfaces or colored planes, visualization of vibrational or electronic (e.g., TDDFT) spectra, possibility to show SCF convergence graphs, and some other features.
Download and install Chemcraft program.
Download the *.out output file of your calculation.
scp usr@srv:/home/paht/to/file.out

Execute Chemcrat program and open the .out file
[emma@pople]$scp usr@148.xx.xx:/path/to/file.out .
orca_file.out 100%[############] in 0s [emma@pople]$exit

And this is everything in this course

Thank you for your attention!...


935 cm**-1 1029 cm**-1