The Command Line Bash

In order to perform our IR spectrum calculation first we have to review a few aspects of the bash command line.

The command line is a very intuitive way to comunicate with the computer, of course, once you know how to move in it. It can be use to navigate across your documents, as you do in Windows file explorer, or in Mac Finder.

Here we are going to learn how to create and edit files and directories and how to access to them. Create and remove a directory:
Make a directory / or directories.
mkdir dirname1 dirname2

List all the files and directories in the directory.

Remove a directory / or directories.
rmdir dirname1 dirname2

Remove files or directories.
rm file.ext dirname

Display a tree like diagram of your files.

Change your actual directory.
cd dirname1
You can get outside the directory or jump out from several.
cd /path/to/the/dirname
cd ../

Path to the work directory or Where am I??.
[emma@pople]$ mkdir dir1 dir2

[emma@pople]$ ls

[emma@pople]$ dir1 dir2

[emma@pople]$ rmdir dir1

[emma@pople]$ ls

[emma@pople]$ dir2







[emma@pople]$ tree

[emma@pople]$ .

[emma@pople]$ |--dir1

[emma@pople]$ |--|--file1.txt

[emma@pople]$ |--|--file2.txt

[emma@pople]$ |--dir2

[emma@pople]$ |--|--file3.txt

[emma@pople]$ |--|--file4.txt

[emma@pople]$ |--|--sudir

[emma@pople]$ |--|--|--file5.txt











[emma@pople]$ ls

[emma@pople]$ dir1 dir2

[emma@pople]$ cd dir2

[emma@pople]$ ls

[emma@pople]$ subdir file3.txt

[emma@pople]$ file4.txt
[emma@pople]$ cd subdir
[emma@pople]$ ls
[emma@pople]$ file5.txt
[emma@pople]$ pwd












