Secure Shell Comunication
A great advantage in Linux (and less in other OS) is its multiuser platform. That allows to several people to connect and do processes into a computer at the same time. So here we are going to take advantage of that fact and we will use LabFama server, where the main Quantum Chemistry Program ORCA, and Gnuplot is already installed.
For windows users the console emulator Cmdr will use the work to connect our hardware with the server, Cmdr has already installed some utilities that are useful.
Starts the connection/communication with a server.
ssh username@ip.adress

Copy a file from the server to your location.
scp username@ip.adress:/path/to/file .

Create a connection to download or upload files.
sftp username@ip.adress
  Download a file from a server using sftp.
  get file.ext
  Upload a file from a server using sftp.
  put file.ext

Download a file from the web.
[emma@pople]$ ssh usr@ip.adress

[emma@pople]$ usr@ip.adress password:

[usr@server]$ whoami

[usr@server]$ usr





[usr@server]$ tree

[usr@server]$ .

[usr@server]$ |--h20

[usr@server]$ |--|--water.out

[usr@server]$ |--|--water.svg

[usr@server]$ |--etane

[usr@server]$ |--|--etane.out

[usr@server]$ |--|

[usr@server]$ |--|--freq

[usr@server]$ |--|--|











[emma@pople]$ pwd

[emma@pople]$ /home/thesis/water/

[emma@pople]$ ls

[emma@pople]$ paper.txt bla.ext

[emma@pople]$ scp usr@ip.add:/h20/water.out .

[emma@pople]$ ls

[emma@pople]$ paper.txt bla.ext water.out








[usr@server]$ ls

[usr@server]$ file1.txt file2.txt

[usr@server]$ wget

[usr@server]$ /webfile.ext .

[usr@server]$ ls

[usr@server]$ file1.txt file2.txt webfile.ext






